▪ Always carry a business card! Even if you are not yet employed, have your contact information printed and carry it with you. Think of every place you go as an opportunity to meet people. Show that you care about your brand and are ready and available to network and offer your services or expertise. ▪ Contribute to conversations, but do not overpower them. Share your network and contacts with others who might benefit. Show your value! Branch out at networking events. Do not be tempted to stay in the corner with the group you already know. Make it a goal to meet two to three new people at each event. Always strive to build your network. |
▪ Keep your contacts organized. Get a binder or business card portfolio. Write a note on the card indicating the date, where you met and one buzzword or identifier for that person so you will remember them. Always follow up with a thank you, via phone or email. Re-establish the connection you just made and show those whom you have met that you want to be a part of their network and enjoyed meeting them. ▪ Always follow through on what you have promised. Prove that you are reliable and can take action! |
____________________________________________________ YOUR UNIQUE PERSONAL BRAND ü Branding is about building a name for yourself, showcasing what sets you apart from others and describing the added value you bring. ü Like a popular product brand, a unique personal brand will help you to stand out. ü Branding helps define who you are, what you have to offer and why you should be sought out. ü A major component of your brand is your appearance and how you present yourself to others. ü A successful brand is one you identify with and can confidently promote. |
SUIT UP! For interviews and business events, always wear a suit. If the dress code for a business event is deemed casual, wear or bring a sport jacket to ensure you are dressed appropriately. Women should always be conservative with necklines and skirt lengths. Always dress the part! COLOR THEORY. Add color appropriately. Dark suits and neutrals are great for your business wardrobe, but don’t be afraid to use color in ties and shirts. Pick hues that complement your skin tone and personality and make you feel your personal best. COORDINATION IS KEY! Be sure you have coordinated belts, shoes, socks, hosiery and totes. These details in your outfit help you to look put together and stand out amongst the competition. Make sure your outerwear is also a good match for your outfit. Invest in a great coat for each season. MORE THAN WORDS. Consider your body language while interviewing and networking. Always make eye contact. Be energetic but also mature and poised. Show you are interested and alert. Avoid distracting cell phone texts and calls during events, networking sessions and especially interviews! |